Attacking today's critical policy challenges
We work to produce timely, high-quality research on important public policy and management issues in state, local, national and international contexts. We engage with relevant constituencies, including scholarly and policy communities, by disseminating the results of research and participating in public debates on these issues.
Article, Non-Refereed Journal "Diplomatic Dead End? Hemy Kissinger and the 'Arab Spring' " Jeremi Suri |
Report Care That Pays for Itself: Community Initiatives to Reduce the Cost of Uncompensated Healthcare David C. Warner |
Book Chapter "Mexico City" Peter M. Ward |
Article, Non-Refereed Journal Reforming the World Bank: Promises and Pitfalls" Catherine Weaver |
Book Chapter “Governnança Metropolitana nos Estados Unidos: Buscando Uma Soluçāo” Robert H. Wilson |
Book Chapter The anatomy of autonomy: The case of the World Bank Catherine Weaver |
Report Texas Mental Health Transformation: Organizational Evaluation Pat Wong |
Article, Refereed Journal "Demand Participation in the Restructured Electric Reliability Council of Texas Market" Jay Zarnikau |
Article, Refereed Journal Politics, History and the Ivory Tower-Policy Gap in the Nuclear Proliferation Debate |
Article, Non-Refereed Journal "Energy Alarmism: The Myths that Make Americans Worry about Oil" |