Start your journey in a place that has it all.
Be part of a community of mavericks ready to attack the next generation of policy challenges.

Able to identify the best evidence-based solutions.
Proficient in the latest analytical methods. Ready to facilitate difficult, sometimes painful, public conversations. Capable of leading public and nonprofit organizations through turbulent times.
These are but a few of the competencies our students develop.
Through case discussions, problem sets, internships, fieldwork, and experiential research with world-class faculty you will become proficient in the skills and knowledge produced by the policy-relevant social sciences and allied professional schools.
But that is not all. You will become member of our diverse, esteemed and ever-expanding LBJ community of professionals committed to expanding prosperity, justice, equality and security.
Over 50 years ago President Lyndon B. Johnson challenged us to build a great society. We’re excited to have you join us on this ongoing journey.

JR DeShazo
Dean, LBJ School of Public Affairs