Attacking today's critical policy challenges
We work to produce timely, high-quality research on important public policy and management issues in state, local, national and international contexts. We engage with relevant constituencies, including scholarly and policy communities, by disseminating the results of research and participating in public debates on these issues.
Article, Non-Refereed Journal "Averting the Third Kosovo War" Alan J. Kuperman |
Article, Refereed Journal "Mitigating the Moral Hazard of Humanitarian Intervention: Lessons from Economics" Alan J. Kuperman |
Book Chapter "Humanitarian Intervention" Alan J. Kuperman |
Commentary "The big question in global affairs" Alan J. Kuperman |
PRP Learning Systems |
Report Rating Systems for Teacher Evaluations and Educator Preparation Program Accountability |
Article, Non-Refereed Journal "Decision-Making and Behavior Change in Residential Adopters of Solar PV" Varun Rai |
Book Chapter "A History of the Profession of Volunteer Administration" Sarah Jane Rehnborg |
Documentary Along Came Kinky: Texas Jewboy for Governor Paul Stekler |
Book Review Rev. of Cultures of War: Pearl Harbor/Hiroshima/9-11/Iraq, by John W. Dower Jeremi Suri |