Research and Publications

Attacking today's critical policy challenges

We work to produce timely, high-quality research on important public policy and management issues in state, local, national and international contexts. We engage with relevant constituencies, including scholarly and policy communities, by disseminating the results of research and participating in public debates on these issues.


Article, Refereed Journal
The heterogeneity statistic I2 can be biased in small meta-analyses
Paul von Hippel
Article, Refereed Journal
Extending the history of child obesity in the United States: The Fels Longitudinal Study, birth years 1930-1993
Paul von Hippel
Article, Refereed Journal
Robust estimation of inequality from binned incomes
Paul von Hippel
Article, Refereed Journal
An education gradient in health, a health gradient in education, or a confounded gradient in both?
Paul von Hippel
Article, Refereed Journal
How much do children’s body mass indices change over periods of 6-12 months? Statistics from before and during the obesity epidemic
Paul von Hippel
Article, Refereed Journal
From kindergarten through second grade, children's obesity prevalence grows only during summer vacations
Paul von Hippel
Article, Refereed Journal
New confidence intervals and bias calculations show that maximum likelihood can beat multiple imputation in small samples
Paul von Hippel
Book Chapter
Year-round school calendars: Effects on summer learning, achievement, families, and teachers
Paul von Hippel
Article, Refereed Journal
Factors Associated with Adverse Clinical Outcomes Among Obstetrics Trainees
Abigail R.A. Aiken
Article, Refereed Journal
Factors Influencing the Likelihood of Instrumental Delivery Success
Abigail R.A. Aiken