Research and Publications

Attacking today's critical policy challenges

We work to produce timely, high-quality research on important public policy and management issues in state, local, national and international contexts. We engage with relevant constituencies, including scholarly and policy communities, by disseminating the results of research and participating in public debates on these issues.


Article, Refereed Journal
The research infrastructure of Chinese foundations, a database for Chinese civil society studies.
Ji Ma
Using Innovation and Technology to Improve City Services
Sherri Greenberg
Congressional Committees Social Media
Sherri Greenberg
The Politics of a Majority-Minority Nation
Jacqueline L. Angel
Article, Refereed Journal
Carbon Trading’s Impact on California’s Real-Time Electricity Market Prices
Jay Zarnikau Woo, C.K.; Chen, Y.; Olson, A.; Moore, J.; Ho, T.
Article, Refereed Journal
Price elasticities of retail energy demands in the United States: New evidence from a panel of monthly data for 2001 - 2016
Jay Zarnikau Woo, C.K.; Liu, Y.; Shiu, A.; Luo, X.P.
Article, Refereed Journal
Consumption Effects of an Electricity Decarbonization Policy: Hong Kong
Jay Zarnikau Woo, C.K.; Shiu, A.; Liu, Y.; Luo, X.P.
Article, Refereed Journal
Wind generation’s effect on the ex post variable profit of compressed air energy storage: Evidence from Texas
Jay Zarnikau Liu, Y.; Woo, C.K.
Article, Refereed Journal
Winter residential optional dynamic pricing: British Columbia
Jay Zarnikau Woo, C.K.; Li, R.; Shiu, A.
Article, Non-Refereed Journal
An Empirical Analysis of California’s Hybrid Capacity Options
Jay Zarnikau Woo, C.K.; Chen, Y.; Olson, A.; Moore, J.; Ho, T.; Liu, Y.; Luo, X.