Attacking today's critical policy challenges
We work to produce timely, high-quality research on important public policy and management issues in state, local, national and international contexts. We engage with relevant constituencies, including scholarly and policy communities, by disseminating the results of research and participating in public debates on these issues.
Article, Non-Refereed Journal "Footprints in the Sand" |
Article, Refereed Journal "IFRS: Will Values Trump Professional Ethics" |
Article, Refereed Journal "The Effects of Welfare-to-Work Program Activities on Labor Market Outcomes" |
Book Chapter Designing incentive-compatible policies to promote human capital development |
Article, Refereed Journal "Temporary Help Work: Multiple Job Holding and Compensating Differentials" |
Article, Non-Refereed Journal "Faith and Law in China" |
Commentary "Judging Obama's White House on Engagement" |
Article, Non-Refereed Journal Conspiracy philanthropy: Are the big foundations really the agents of American imperialism?" |
Article, Refereed Journal "The Prophetic Conflict: Reinhold Niebuhr and World War II" |
Article, Non-Refereed Journal "Infrastructure Investment and Water Quality Along the Mexico-Texas Border" David J. Eaton |