Ph.D. Placements

Ph.D. students

Ph.D. Placements

The LBJ School's Ph.D. alumni go on to impressive careers and create lasting impact.

Graduates of the LBJ School’s Ph.D. in Public Policy program excel in a wide range of careers across academia, government agencies, think tanks, nonprofits and the private sector. With rigorous training and a passion for public policy, they are making a meaningful impact.

Ph.D. first placements pie chart

Recent Ph.D. in Public Policy graduates of the LBJ School have placed in diverse roles at a broad range of institutions. These include post-doc, tenure track and non-tenure track positions at the University of Illinois Champagne-Urbana, Duke University, McGill University, University of Texas El Paso, University of Miami, University of Texas San Antonio, Columbia University, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, University of California San Francisco, Michigan State University and Duke Kunshan University; and researcher and policy positions at the Center for Naval Analysis, Ibis Reproductive Health, Water Resources Institute, International Boundary and Water Commission, Texas Department of State Health Services, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and Texas Census Institute.