Modern power sources have propelled the global economy for nearly three centuries, culminating in recent decades in global climate change. The advent of new energy solutions such as solar, storage, electric vehicles, and hydrogen combined with rapid recent advances in AI offer the promise to enable a more sustainable and resilient global energy system (the ‘energy transition’). Students in this course will develop a systematic understanding of the interconnections between the energy, climate, and AI systems and explore different pathways that might unfold in the future. This course will contain four modules, each three-weeks long: 1. AI module, 2. Climate module, 3. Energy module, and 4. Integration module. Through a combination of invited expert interactions and seminar-style discussions of seminal works, the first three modules will cover the basics of social, technological, economic, and policy aspects within each focus area (i.e., AI, Climate, and Energy). The fourth module will be devoted to understanding the societal and policy implications resulting from the interaction and co-evolution of AI, climate, and energy.