Spring 2023 - 60350 - PA 388K - Advanced Topics in Public Policy


In the U.S., our cities and metropolitan regions are also the powerhouses that drive our national economy. Nearly 85 percent of Americans live and work in them, and they produce 90 percent of our economic output. They are our research and innovation hub; they are our centers of competitiveness and creativity. As rife with housing unaffordability and economic inequality as they are, they are the places where social mobility is highest. Simply put: as our urban communities have become coveted destinations to live and work, they have developed a fierce competition for talent, requiring data-driven economic development strategies and policies to maintain their competitiveness and build greater inclusive prosperity.
We’ve also seen how the COVID-19 pandemic has shined a blinding light on the economic and social divides in our cities and metropolitan areas; they can no longer be denied.  The COVID-19 crisis poses significant challenges for communities; the course has been updated to reflect those obstacles and to challenge course participants – future policy makers and city strategists – to build more robust, resilient, and equitable communities.

This course will examine the evolution in applied practice of urban and economic development policies, strategies, programs, and initiatives in communities. Specifically, the course will provide participants with a hands-on understanding of the forces affecting economic development strategies, information on successful and unsuccessful approaches, and an opportunity to engage in a critical analysis of current thinking in urban and rural economic development. Communities must create an ecosystem that develops new ideas and helps to foster cultural, entrepreneurial, civic, scientific, and artistic creativity. The goal of this course is to help you master the fundamental practices of economic development that are necessary for building stronger such communities.

Just importantly, a goal of this course will be to help ignite your own passion for cities and urban issues. Together, we change our communities for the better.

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