Spring 2018 - 60980 - PA 195G – Global Policy Simulation

Global Policy Simulation
  This class will meet January 16, January 23 and January 30 from 6:00 – 8:00 PM in SRH 3.316. The simulation itself will run from the evening of Feb. 8 until the evening of Feb. 10. Objective: The objective of the GPS Policy Simulation is to experience working in a team in a complex and high-level diplomatic crisis negotiation. The objectives of the short course include the following: · Gain exposure to the art of diplomatic negotiation, including the development of skills in negotiation and tactics · Develop teamwork skills · Practice collective writing, planning and management of negotiation strategy, oral presentation and communication · Demonstrate leadership and team participation skills · Develop time management skills · Learn to work under conditions of time pressure, uncertainty, and high stakes Grading:  (1) Delegation team strategy memo (25%) These will be written collectively by each delegation. (2) Exercise participation (75%) Your participation score will be determined by direct observation, including the input of your ambassador mentor and your teammates. Students will also complete a self-evaluation.