The LBJ Urban Lab
The LBJ School of Public Affairs Urban Lab at The University of Texas at Austin will explore and address issues that affect urban and metropolitan communities.
Inspired by UT’s motto, “What Starts Here Changes the World,” the Lab utilizes Texas cities and others across the nation as “urban laboratories,” bringing together policymakers, business and civic leaders, academics, and students to tackle significant urban challenges.
Who We Are
Steven Pedigo
Assistant Dean for Faculty of Practice and Policy Engagement, Director of the LBJ Urban Lab
What We Do: The Urban Opportunity
Cities are humanity’s greatest invention, driving global economic growth. And Texas cities serve as a key laboratory for urban innovation. The state is dynamic and a diverse epicenter of growth. Its cities also face growing challenges of affordability, upskilling, congestion and climate change. Innovative policies are to meet these challenges.
The LBJ Urban Lab is a pioneering hub for urbanism and policymaking, providing a forward-thinking model for urban policy engagement and education through:

Innovative Practices:
Advancing policies that foster prosperous and resilient metropolitan communities.
Collaborative Solutions:
Engaging mayors, policymakers, business leaders, and city builders to design real-time solutions.
Professional Development:
Offering programs to enhance the skills and knowledge of future professional, civic, and business leaders.
News & Events
LBJ Urban Lab News