Viagran: City, tech companies should 'work hand in hand' to solve sharing economy issues

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Woman walking past a row of Lime scooters — credit Vince Jacob Fozkow

"Scooters and rideshare are changing life in the city, and cities and tech companies should work together to solve the challenges of the nascent sharing economy.

"That was the consensus Saturday at a sharing economy-centered talk Saturday at the Texas Tribune Festival that included Councilwoman Rebecca Viagran (D3). Also on the panel were Austin City Manager Spencer Cronk, Lyft Director of Public Policy April Mims, and Bird Senior Director of Public Affairs Ashwini Chhabra.

"'Urban tech is a sector that is here, it's not going anywhere, and it's really changing the way we live our lives,' said moderator Steven Pedigo, who directs the Urban Lab at The University of Texas at Austin's LBJ School of Public Affairs."


Read the full story at San Antonio Report.


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Urban Lab