Graduation Application Instructions

MPAff and MGPS Graduation Application Instructions

*NOTE Dual Degree students can now follow the same instructions as single degree students.

Each student must submit an application for graduation by the published deadline during the final semester of study (students must be currently enrolled to be eligible to apply to graduate). The Spring 2023 graduation application deadline is 5 p.m. on March 31, 2023. To avoid any unforeseeable processing or procedural problems, students are strongly encouraged to submit their application a minimum of one week prior to the deadline.

  1. Submit the online graduation application before the 5 p.m. March 31 deadline at the following link:
  2. Special Instructions for PR (Professional Report) writers: Your PR deliverables must be submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies in Main 101 on or before the 3 p.m. deadline on May 8, 2020. Detailed instructions for completing the PR submission process can be found at: and

After completing the online application for graduation, you will be notified by your graduate adviser or coordinator ONLY if there is a problem with your program of work or online graduation application. No news is good news!

IMPORTANT NOTE: A student who has not satisfied all degree requirements (due to incomplete course work, etc.) after applying to graduate in any given semester must re-apply for graduation during the semester in which the degree requirements are completed. Please note that Graduate School policy requires students to be currently enrolled in the semester in which they apply to graduate.