The Future of Work: It's a Brave New World

Event Status

Our "brave new world of work" is still unclear as organizations worldwide forge new paths as the pandemic recedes. The when, where, how and what of work is in flux for many industries. With long-term ramifications that are still unknown, how do you manage the short-term?

The McCombs School of Business presents The Future of Work: It's a Brave New World featuring University of Texas at Austin faculty experts, including LBJ Urban Lab director Steven Pedigo, to discuss their research and projections on managing key work issues and challenges going forward:

  • What's the future of the corporate office?
  • How will flexible work shape our cities and the real estate market?
  • How will technology continue to transform our work models and daily patterns?
  • How has the pandemic changed workforce structure?
Date and Time
Sept. 22, 2021, midnight