Fall 2021 - 61079 - PA 388L - Advanced Topics in Management

Innov in Pub Mgmt Post Covid
THIS COURSE WILL BE TAUGHT BY SHERYL SCULLEY. THIS COURSE WILL COUNT AS AN ADVANCED PUBLIC MANAGEMENT COURSE.   Innovations in Public Management in a Post-COVID Era                                         Fall 2021, Tuesdays 9 am – 12 noon                   Office Hours: 12 noon – 1 pm on Tuesdays or Zoom by Appointment                                              Sheryl Sculley, Adjunct Professor                                    602-908-1733, sherylsculley@gmail.com   Course Description The best public policy ideas are meaningless without evidence-based research, data analysis and most importantly, implementation that produces results.  The course will include a thorough examination of best practices in local government and what has changed in government service delivery since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Course work will include an examination of what we have learned about how and what old business models should change and the need to accelerate the changes in a post-COVID era.  While the course will focus on city management, it will also include an examination of the working relationships cities have with the state and federal governments.  The course will include guest lectures by practitioners from a variety of disciplines and with experience in fields such as public health, homelessness, economic development, media, and public safety services and ethics.     Learning Outcomes The course addresses the following MPA competencies:  Leading and managing in public organizations; analyzing, evaluating and synthesizing complex issues and challenges; articulating and applying a public service perspective; participating and contributing to the public policy process; understanding, communicating and interacting with a diverse and changing workforce and community; practical   Page 2     methods to institutionalize ethical behavior; and tactics to create a sense of urgency to an ever changing and fast-paced world in which we live.   Readings The class requires reading before class sessions and a high level of student participation in class based on these readings.  All of the readings will be made available via a weblink in the syllabus.  The course will rely on public management textbook chapters, journal articles on theory and practice settings, and applied pieces on how to employ various management techniques.   Assignments, Grading and Course Expectations The course involves a mix of readings, lectures, discussions, case analyses, and written papers.  The class session format will include short lectures, guest speakers, extensive student discussion/presentations and small group exercises.  The lectures, discussions and group exercises are designed to elaborate on and extend key points in the conceptual material.  Grades will be based on three written case studies, one group written case study/presentation, weekly reading summaries, a final examination and class participation.  Details on the case studies will be provided later in the semester.  The assignments are designed to provide you with an opportunity to think critically and creatively about managing organizations in a public context, and to give you experience with basic management tools.   Course Requirements Class Attendance                                                   15% Class Participation and Teamwork                    30% Written Assignments and Case Studies           30% Final Exam                                                               25%     Page 3     Grading Scale A   94-100                 A-   90-93 B   84-89                   B-   80-83 C   74-79                   C-   70-73   Coursework will be required as follow: Weekly one- page summaries of assigned reading including an analysis of the topic as opposed to a recitation of the material. Three case study essays 6-8 pages in length, addressing a local of state policy issue or challenge including research, analysis, and a recommended course of action.  Topic and essay outline must be approved by the instructor. A group presentation 30 minutes in length concerning a specific public policy issue.  Each group member will have an identified role in the presentation and the objective of the presentation will be to persuade the class to accept the group’s recommendations.  Group members will be assigned, but each group will select their specific city or state problem or issue to address.  Topics can include issues such as police powers, accountability and the use of force; chronic homelessness, environmental sustainability; housing equity; infrastructure program development. A scheduled 3–4-hour ride-a-long with a police, fire, or EMS officer to be followed by a professionally written 2-page report describing your experience and giving your impressions.  Ride-a-longs must be scheduled and conducted before October 15; reports are due by October 30.   Standard Class Format unless otherwise noted in the syllabus:             9-9:30            Discussion of current affairs in the City of Austin; students are encouraged to read the Austin American Statesman, Austin Business Journal, or on-line publications of local interest.             9:30-11         Speaker(s), lecture or presentations, group discussion             11-11:30       Questions and break             11:30-12       Class Discussion Page 4   Books/Readings for class: Managing Local Government:  An Essential Guide for Municipal and County Managers, Kimberly L. Nelson and Carl W. Stenberg, CQ Press, 2018   Good to Great and the Social Sectors, Jim Collins, 2005, A monograph to Good to Great   Greedy Bastards:  One City’s Texas-Size Struggle to Avoid a Financial Crisis, Sheryl Sculley, Lioncrest Publishing, 2020   Managing Insights from Bob O’Neill, An anthology on management and leadership from Governing.com Management Insights column, 2016   Ethics by Design:  The Impact of Form of Government on Municipal Corruption, Kimberly Nelson and Whitney Afonson, PAR, July/August 2019   The Next Big Things, The Future of Local Government 2016-2036   Sustainability and Local Governments, George Homsy, Mildred Warner, Lu Laio, Local Government Review, December 2016   Tackling the Housing Affordability Crisis, Jelani Newton, Local Government Review, December, 2016   The Business Ethics Field Guide, Brad Agle, Aaron Miller, Bill O’Rourke, Merit Leadership, 2016   Police Association Power, Politics and Confrontation: A Guide for the Successful Police Labor Leader, John Burpo, Ron Delord and Michael Shannon, Charles Thomas Publisher, 1997 (first edition).
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