Fall 2021 - 60820 - PA 680PA - Partnership for New U.S. Food Policy

Partnership for New U.S. Food Policy

Over the past decade, the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES) has worked with a range of organizations to develop regional food policies that embrace the concerns more recently captured in discussions around a Green New Deal. Their work on a European Food Policy has drawn hundreds of key stakeholders together in a multiyear process to articulate policy pathways that are both ambitious and realistic, and which now form part of EU member states' policy.

Over the past two years, teams of PRP students have completed a preliminary literature survey for IPES-Food, and identified the stakeholders who would be best able to drive a just transition to a different food system within the US. Those actors met in 2020 and 2021, and are in the process of developing that food policy. This PRP will interview participants to develop proposals to support climate change mitigation through a combination of engagement with innovative farmers, food entrepreneurs, environmental organizations, anti-hunger advocates, unions, workers' rights groups, and policy specialists.

Deliverables will include an outline (end of semester Fall 2021) and final (end of semester Spring 2022) policy document exploring the parameters, contradictions and opportunities for a replacement to the Farm Bill for 2023. In addition, PRP members will provide logistical support for the fundraising and meeting planning necessary for partners to explore this policy.


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