Analytic Methods for Global Policy Studies
Analytical Methods for Global Policy Studies introduces a subset of quantitative and qualitative methods often used in public policy studies. The course, in particular, explores the use of probability, statistics, and case study methodology to examine and develop coherent and valid policy analysis. While learning to understand and apply these methods is the focus, the larger goal is to make you a smart consumer and judge of policy prescriptions based on these methods. Through a variety of real-world examples, we discuss how to translate policy questions into forms that can be analyzed quantitatively or qualitatively, assemble data and carry out analysis, and interpret and present the results. In the course, special attention is given to understanding the validity of underlying assumptions and the detection of faulty reasoning and analysis. The desired outcome is for the course participants to gain a deeper appreciation for the strengths and limitations of quantitative and qualitative analysis as a way of understanding policy issues and choices. Along the way, students become proficient in using Microsoft Excel, which is an excellent general-purpose tool for performing probability and statistical evaluation.
The course is required for Global Policy Studies students. All incoming students are expected to have an understanding of basic statistics.
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