Intelligence: The “Hidden Dimension” of Statecraft
Intelligence has been called “the hidden dimension” of statecraft. The course is based upon the principle that the value of intelligence is best measured by its contribution to wise decision-making and on the derivative principle that anyone interested in international affairs or security issues should, therefore, possess a basic understanding of the appropriate role of intelligence. The course seeks to develop student understanding of what intelligence is, how it succeeds and fails, and the relationship between intelligence and decision-making. Course readings survey the activities and structure of the U.S. Intelligence Community. Discussion and assignments will focus on developing a framework for thinking about the use and abuse of intelligence; placing intelligence into a historical, policy, and ethical context; techniques and risk management in the collection of intelligence; and, most importantly, the use of intelligence for decision advantage in US foreign and national security policy. Discussions and exercises draw heavily on both historical examples and issues confronting today’s decision-makers to illustrate methods, principles and dilemmas in the use of intelligence. Students will be introduced to written and oral communication techniques used by intelligence professionals to support busy decision-makers.
Texts/Readings: Intelligence: From Secrets to Policy. Additional readings to be determined and made available on Electronic Reserve.
Assignments: Book reviews: 15%; Case Studies: 15%; Current Intelligence discussion, briefings and papers: 20%; First term paper: 20%; Second term paper: 20%; Attendance and meaningful participation: 10%.