Fall 2013 - 63790 - PA393K - Applied Microeconomics for Policy Analysis

This is a graduate level introduction to microeconomics for students with little or no prior background in economics. The course provides an analytic framework for policy analysis with a focus on understanding economic issues in both international and domestic U.S. policy contexts. Lectures will entail minimal mathematics. At the end of the course, students will be able to: Apply economic theory and methodologies to international and domestic policy issues and problems Use efficiency and equity criteria for evaluating governmental interventions in markets; and Identify sources of market failure and appropriate interventions Required Textbook: Robert S. Pindyck and Daniel L. Rubinfeld, Microeconomics, 7th Edition (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009) All other assigned readings can be accessed via Blackboard or internet links. Grading: Students will be responsible for materials covered in class and all assigned readings. Students are to prepare, present in class, and complete a report on a group project analyzing a public policy issue. Each group will consist of 3 or 4 students. Final grades, using pluses and minuses (e.g., A+, A, A-,B+….) will be based on: Group Class Presentation&    20% Problem Sets    20% Midterm Exam&    30% Group Project Report    30%