The LBJ School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin and the Texas Department of Information Resources are pleased to offer you the opportunity to participate in Executive Leadership for Information Technology Excellence (ELITE). This is a unique executive leadership program only held once every two years. Our next offering will be in March and April 2026.
The purpose of this executive program (two sessions of 3-1/2 days each) is to develop the executive competencies needed for leadership roles in information technology. Topics and speakers were identified based on feedback from focus groups of IT professionals and state agency CEOs.
Week #1: March 3 – 6, 2026 (Tentative)
Week #2: April 14 – 17, 2026 (Tentative)
Individuals nominated by their Executive Director/University President in conjunction with the Chief Information Officer of individual agencies and universities. Nominations should be sent directly to GCMD@austin.utexas.edu and include the nominee’s name, title, address, phone number and email address and a summary of why your nominee would be a good candidate for this program.
Nominations are due by February 13, 2026 and participants will be notified of their acceptance by February 23.
Tuition TBD
2026 topics include:
- Executive Perspectives
- Texas Government 101: Legislative Budget Process
- IT Leaders and the DIR Intersect
- Effective Communication
- Executive Decision Making
- IT Strategic Planning and Modernization
- The Engaging Leader
- Texas Data Management
- Evolving Role of the CIO
- Attracting, Retaining, and Leading the IT Workforce of Tomorrow
- Project Management and QAT
- Generative AI and Emerging Technologies
- The Pivotal Role of Leadership for your Accessiblity Progam
- Legislative Communications
- The IT Leader's Role in Procurement
- Cybersecurity and the IT Leader