Short course: meets March 27-April 1.
Come explore emerging space-related issues currently under discussion internationally and domestically! The course will blend lecture, discussion, and group work in a seminar-like format. We will examine the following topics:
Module 1: Lecture, Introduction to the course and the basics of space law
Norms Development: Bottom up, top down, and points in the middle
Bilaterals, Multilaterals, and the role of consensus
Module 2: Discussion of readings and lectures
Module 3: Application to Emerging Issues
teams to pick from a list of topics and prepare a mixed media presentation.
Possible topics:
- The Yin & Yang of Space: Peaceful Purposes and National Security issues
- Can we get there from here? Orbital Debris, Space Situational Awareness, and Space Traffic Management
- Micro -> Macro: very small sats and very large constellations
- In Situ Resource Utilization
Students will be graded on group presentations and an exam in Canvas.
Instruction Mode