Short course, meets April 4-13. This course is a practical and practitioner’s introduction to cybersecurity and how Governments have tried to respond to cyber threats, risks and harms. It covers structural insecurities in the Internet, the main threat actors (both state and criminal), and the nature and method of harms in cyber space. It then covers how Governments have attempted, with varying success, to develop policies and frameworks to deal with emerging cyber threats. This covers both the domestic response: improving security of Government networks and regulating and/or incentivising the private sector, and the international response, covering attempts to develop strategies to deter and punish hostile state action as well as the pursuit of globally accepted norms. It is led by a former senior practitioner who set up and then led the National Cyber Security Centre in the United Kingdom.
Spring 2023 - 60374 - PA 188L - Advanced Topics in Management
Instruction Mode