Oil and Gas Law provides an overview of oil and gas law throughout the United States, with emphasis on Texas. Students will gain an understanding of basic oil and gas law principles, derived from a combination of property, contract, administrative, tort, and constitutional law. The course provides a unique opportunity to take a law course that cuts across several core law-school subjects and from the perspective of a particular business—the upstream oil and gas industry and affected landowners. Oil and gas is the world's most widely traded and strategically important commodity, from which important customs and practices have evolved to influence both contract provisions and law as well as governent regulation and policy.
The materials for the course are Lowe, Anderson, Kulander, Ehrman, and Griggs, Oil and Gas Law: Cases & Materials (8th ed. 2022), various forms used in oil and gas transactions and regulatory orders, and other supplemental materials. The course syllabus and supplemental materials will be available on Canvas; however, any supplemental cases can be found on Westlaw or Lexis.
Unless otherwise announced in the syllabus, a final examination will cover all subject areas discussed and assigned over the course of the semester, including assigned reading and supplemental classroom information. The format and the nature of the exam will be announced later but you should anticipate part multiple-choice questions and part essay. Your grade will be based on the final exam. However, credit may be given for high quality class participation to increase the final grade by one grade increment, e.g., from a final exam grade of B+ to a final course grade of A-. Conversely, if someone is consistently unprepared or absent, his or her final rade may be reduced by one grade increment, e.g., from a final exam grade of B to a final course grade B-.