Spring 2020 - 58550 - PA 388L - Advanced Topics in Management

Social Justice Philanthropy
This course introduces students to the theory, history, and challenges of an area of philanthropic practice in the U.S. variably referred to as social justice, social change, or social movement philanthropy. Students will learn about the values and principles that underpin this practice, namely, its goal of “change, not charity”, from two points of view: 1) social justice advocates seeking philanthropic support for their work, and 2) grantmakers (considering) investing resources to support social justice-oriented work. Through readings, seminar discussions, conversations with guest visitors, analytical writing, and presentations, students will work toward the following learning outcomes in both writing and discussion: A demonstrated ability to discern how social justice philanthropy (SJP) differs from other forms of philanthropic practice in the U.S. A demonstrated ability to identify and analyze the funding priorities and patterns of social justice-oriented grantmakers. Course Requirements and Assessment Criteria Seminar participation: 20% Attendance: full attendance is expected except in instances of a cancelled class, a documented illness, a death in the family, or an absence excused in advance due to a planned religious holiday). Substantive and active participation in class discussions: students are expected to engage in discussion by asking questions and sharing their perspectives on course content. Seminar preparation: 30% On-time preparation for seminar each week. Assignments blend writing and presentation activities. Formative evaluation 30% Three take-home essay exams. Blog post: 20%: At the end of the term, students will write a reflection-oriented blog post about their work in this course.