Spring 2019 - 60270 - PA 188S - Advanced Topics in Public Policy (CR/NC only)

UT Intl Energy Symposium
The UT Energy Symposium (UTES) is a weekly speaker series that seeks to provide a common platform for students from all disciplines across the campus to interact on the most pressing energy issues facing our globe. The series will introduce students to a wide range to energy topics including: low-carbon energy technologies (solar, wind, energy efficiency, carbon capture and storage, etc.); energy infrastructure (smart grids, transmission networks, maritime transport, etc.); innovation and diffusion of energy technologies; climate change and other environmental issues; behavioral aspects of energy consumption; policymaking and regulation in energy; and energy markets and finance. Every week an expert from the industry, government, or academia will talk about the key technological, policy, regulatory, and market aspects of the week’s topic and how that relates to the future of the global energy system. Each talk will be 1 hour in length, with about 40 minutes for the talk followed by 20 minutes of discussion. This course is open to both undergraduate and graduate students from all disciplines. Available for 1 credit Hour (Credit/No Credit only). GRADUATE PORTFOLIO PROGRAM IN ENERGY STUDIES (GPPES) This weekly symposium addresses the requirement of the GPPES for an awareness of current policy issues in the energy sector: attendance for at least two semesters and participation in the email discussion after each session are core requirements of the portfolio program. Students need not take the symposium as a course for credit: they may, instead, register to audit PA 188S by submitting a Class Auditor Permit Form (pdf download from the webpage of the Office of the Registrar). For more information about GPPES and its requirements please visit the Energy Institute’s webpages: http://energy.utexas.edu/education/graduate-portfolio-program-in-energy- studies-gppes/graduate-portfolio-program-in-energy-studies/