Spring 2019 - 60010 - PA 384C - Public Management

Public Management
All public policies and public programs require the use of human resources for their implementation. This course is designed to introduce students to theories, case studies, and models that are helpful in understanding human and organizational behavior for the betterment of both the delivery of government promises and the morale of public employees. Students will be encouraged to think about the “Why?” questions. For example, why do you think “X” would motivate or satisfy an employee? Why do you think that government/non-government entities could perform “X” job more successfully? Why do some employees act dishonestly? Some of the major topics thatwill be discussed include but are not limited to the following: what makes public organizations distinct, policy implementation, employee morale, employee recruitment and selection, government contracting, and  government ethics and corruption. Requirements and Expectations: The course will be reading intensive and requires active participation from students. Students are expected to have completed all of the readings prior to class. Class sessions will consist of short lectures, extensive student discussion, and case study exercises, in groups, that require students to think aloud and then persuasively articulate how they would respond in scenarios that lack easy solutions. Students will be evaluated based upon reading response papers, quizzes, and a term paper and presentation. Readings: Students will be required to purchase one textbook which will be supplemented with readings from peer reviewed journals and professional reports.