Spring 2018 - 60738 - PA 388K - Advanced Topics in Public Policy

Race and Ethnicity in Latin America: Comparing the comparative studies in Ethnic-Racial relations patterns
The course “Race and Ethnicity in Latin America: Comparing the comparative studies in Ethnic Racial relations pattern” objectives the study the evolution of thought on interethnic and interracial patterns in Latin America since the last century until our current days. We will give a special focus on the problem of national building narratives in Latin America, history of ethnic race relations in this region, forms of prejudice and discrimination, racism, ethnocentrism, African Latin and Indigenous social movements and correlated problems related to ethnic and racial inequality, democracy and development. The course will be underpinned on canonic books and articles that had had as main object of analysis the set of Latin American countries, that is, contributions that had analyzed simultaneously at least two or more nations of that region on issues ethnic race relations. We hope that this method can allow students to get a more comprehensive understanding of that matter in Latin America beyond the national frontiers (sometimes artificial) that generally preclude us from a broader analytic approach. The course will be divided into seven pair different subjects present inside the literature that covers the ethnic and race relation in Latin America. Each them will dialogue with two different approaches to the same issue. In other words, the course will be organized around an agenda of debates, always trying to include the most update subjects on ethnic and race relations in that region. We expect that the students enrolled in the course may apply these readings to develop their thesis or dissertations and we will strongly encourage that the final paper of the course will be made dialoguing with these ones.