Urban Development in the Global South (MGPS section)
This course explores the process of urban development, urban policy, and local governance in developing countries. A comparative perspective is adopted and cities in Africa, Asia, and Latin America will be considered. The first element of the course will discuss the global context of urban development, including impacts of the international economy and trade. The second element will examine analytical frameworks for studying urban growth, including the important demographic dimensions, inequalities and the spatial organization of cities. The third segment examines higher-level governance frameworks affecting cities, at the national, metropolitan and local area as well as intergovernmental collaboration. The fourth segment will examine specific policy issues in which local governments play key roles, including housing markets, informal settlements, infrastructure provision, resiliency to climate change and resource sustainability. In this course students will develop an understanding (1) of the policy challenges in cities of developing countries, (2) of concepts from economic analysis that help explain development patterns, (3) of innovative initiatives available to local government to address challenges taking into account the ability of governance structures to integrate the needs of local populations. Students will be assessed on four factors: four essays (50%), a term paper on a specific city (35%), oral presentation of term paper (5%) and class participation (10%)
No required text. Typical weekly reading load 125-150 pages.