Spring 2016 - 60215 - PA188G - Topics in Global Policy Studies

NGO Project Design & Development
Class meets April 8 through May 6. This course introduces students to international development non-governmental organization (INGO) project/program design and key aspects of grant writing. The course will focus on key aspects of project planning and design: 1) Participatory and secondary research for poverty analysis and program design; 2) Macro-level poverty mapping or situation analysis; 3) Projects versus Programs, using a systems perspective in program design; and 4) Designing a program hierarchy by determining program goals, objectives, and activities. Students will select a focus country that will be approved by the professor. The class will be experiential and hands-on. To explain, envision that you are working in an NGO Country Office in Kenya when a request for proposals (RFP) worth $US 10 million in funding to improve food security and health in Kenya arrives from a major donor. For the next 5 weeks, you will go through the process of researching the key issues and mapping poverty in the country you selected; designing an NGO program to address the problems identified; and then assembling this information into the proposal, using the format required by USAID and described in the RFP. You will have 3 writing assignments and a final class presentation. The class presentation will be an overview of problems in of the country selected and the program you designed to address the problems.