Spring 2013 - 63075 - PA397C - Advanced Empirical Methods for Policy Analysis

Applied Econometrics for Policy Analysis
This course examines the application of advanced statistical techniques to public policy analysis. The use of empirical techniques in developing an understanding of a policy issue, in analytical modeling, in making forecasts and in evaluating policies and programs will be covered. The limitations of empirical techniques in policy analysis will also be addressed. The course will cover the basics of multivariate regression analysis, use of categorical variables as independent and dependent variables, problems in regression analysis, forecasting, time series and panel data modeling, hierarchical modeling and simultaneous equations models. The course is cast in an applications mode rather than a theoretical or mathematical mode. Students will also become familiar with the STATA statistical package through several applications exercises. Student progress will be evaluated on three types of work: (1) four problem sets (20% of the final grade) are designed to demonstrate competency over fundamentals and to provide practice in the application of econometric methods to policy issues; (2) two in-class exams (each accounting for 25% of the final grade; mid-term exam and a final exam scheduled during finals week); and (3) a term paper (30% of the final grade).