Spring 2013 - 62905 - PA388L - Advanced Topics in Management

Cultural Policy and Participation
This class will examine governmental and private policies and structures that impact cultural production and participation.  This includes a consideration of rationales for and against public support for culture, how policies have both promoted and impeded cultural producers and consumers, advocacy efforts by organizations in the cultural sector, and relations between governmental policy and private initiative.  Our discussion of governmental policies will be complemented by a consideration of research on what we know about factors promoting engagement in the arts, arts engagement and other forms of civic engagement, and efforts by cultural organizations to attract audiences.  This class will focus primarily on the United States, but will bring in comparisons to other countries.  Students will translate broad course themes into more practical applications through exercises and assignments asking them to analyze the outcomes of specific policies and audience engagement strategies. This class is offered by Fine Arts (FA 381 #10900) and cross-listed with LBJ.