Spring 2013 - 62775 - PA388K - Advanced Topics in Public Policy

E-governance and Social Media Around the Globe
E-Governance.  Digital Government.  Social Media.   Transparency.  Civic Engagement.  These terms are thrown around constantly, but what do they mean to governance today?  This seminar course will explore the influence of digital technology on governance across a spectrum of countries.  We will delve into the use of new technologies to manage government, engage constituents, and set policy and political agendas. We will examine academic literature and real world cases, and hear from guest speakers. New technology examples abound, from digital town halls to tweeting legislators, and from renewing a license online to using social media for political campaigns and political uprisings.  The current academic literature and popular websites talk about using the new technologies to increase transparency and civic engagement.  Is that occurring? Requirements: This course will be very participatory, and students must do the readings in advance, and come to class ready to engage in discussions.  Each student will participate in leading a class with an actual, interactive public sector case study involving a new technology such as a website, Facebook or Twitter.  Additionally, students will write two short briefing memos. There will not be a mid-term or final exam.  Instead, students will prepare a paper/project with both a written and oral, interactive component to be presented and submitted at the end of the term.  All readings will be available on Blackboard.  Class attendance is required, and class participation will be part of students’ grades.