Spring 2013 - 62630 - PA680PB - Policy Research Project

Texas Legislatrue: Lobbying and Internship
PRP Background: How does the Texas Legislature really work? What are the roles of legislators, staff, and committees? What are the functions of various State agencies, boards, commissions, and elected officials? What are the important public policy issues in the State of Texas? How do lobbyists and interest groups influence the process?  In this PRP students will learn about the Texas Legislature, Texas state agencies, interest groups, and lobbyists. We will investigate the inner workings of the Texas Legislature on a formal and an informal basis. Students will learn the formal legislative process including the procedural rules for bills, committees and floor debates. Also, students will investigate the informal process of lobbying and behind the scenes negotiating. Additionally, we will examine legislative and policy implications for the upcoming 2013 session of the Texas Legislature. Fall Semester Research: This PRP will spend the fall semester learning about the Texas Legislature and key issues for the upcoming legislative session. The client will be the Center for Politics and Governance at the LBJ School of Public Affairs. Spring Semester Internship: In the spring semester, students will intern for a member of the Texas Legislature, nonprofit interest group or media outlet involved with the Texas Legislature. Hence, these will be additional clients in the spring semester. Fall Deliverables: Issue papers regarding the key upcoming Texas legislative issues to be posted on the Center for Politics and Governance website written by student teams Spring Deliverables: Individual issue papers regarding major bills or topics that you have followed in your internships Issue papers regarding the status of the key issues from the fall semester to be posted on the Center for Politics and Governance website written by student teams Students participating in this PRP will gain the following experiences: Inside knowledge of the Texas Legislature Lobbying process Team building Report writing Public speaking Interning during the spring with the Texas Legislature, nonprofit interest group or media Tracking and implementing legislation State of Texas politics and policy process