Special immigrant juveniles: In brief

Book Chapter
Special Immigration Situations in the United States, Nova (2015) (first published by the Congressional Research Service in 2014)
Abused, neglected, or abandoned children who also lack authorization under immigration law to reside in the United States (i.e., unauthorized aliens) raise complex immigration and child welfare concerns. In 1990, Congress created an avenue for unauthorized alien children who become dependents of the state juvenile courts to remain in the United States legally and permanently. Any child or youth under the age of 21 who was born in a foreign country; lives without legal authorization in the United States; has experienced abuse, neglect, or abandonment; and meets other specified eligibility criteria may be eligible for special immigrant juvenile (SIJ) status. Otherwise, unauthorized residents who are minors are subject to removal proceedings and deportation, as are all other unauthorized foreign nationals. The SIJ classification enables unauthorized juveniles who become dependents of the state juvenile court to become lawful permanent residents (LPR) under the Immigrant and Nationality Act (INA). If an LPR meets the naturalization requirements set in the INA, he or she can become a U.S. citizen. When Congress enacted provisions in the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, it altered the eligibility criteria for SIJ status as part of a package of amendments pertaining to unaccompanied alien children. Now, the recent increase in unaccompanied alien children arriving in the United States has cast a spotlight on SIJ status because these unaccompanied children may apply for, and some may obtain, LPR status through this provision. There has been a tenfold increase in the number of children requesting SIJ status between FY2005 and FY2013. In terms of approvals, the numbers have gone from 73 in FY2005 to 3,432 in FY2013. While the data do not differentiate among those unauthorized children who arrived unaccompanied by their parents and those who were removed from their parents because of abuse, abandonment, or neglect, many observers point to the similarity in the spiking trends of both categories. This report provides a brief explanation of the statutory basis of SIJ status and how it has evolved. It also presents statistics on the number of children who have applied for and received SIJ status since FY2005. The report concludes with a discussion of the applicability of SIJ status for unaccompanied alien children.