![AI Symposium Key Graphic 16 x 9](/sites/default/files/YofAI-TX-Centered-v2-web_0.jpg)
The LBJ School is honored to host the Policy Leadership in the Age of AI symposium, which brings together public, private, and academic leaders for crucial discussions on the ethical dimensions of AI technologies and public policy.
This event is a part of UT's 2024 initiative, known as the Year of AI. We continue to showcase our groundbreaking research and interdisciplinary approach to education and are committed to developing innovations and growing leaders to navigate the ever-evolving landscape brought about by AI.
Schedule at a Glance
- 10:00 AM - 10:15 AM: Check In and Networking
Check-in for the conference and grab a coffee while meeting other attendees.
- 10:15 AM - 11:30 AM: The Future of Precision Healthcare: Perspectives on Health AI Policy
No application of artificial intelligence will be more important than how these technologies are used to deliver healthcare. In this panel we consider some of the policy and ethical implications of AI adoption in healthcare from the perspective of healthcare leaders, clinicians, educators, and entrepreneurs.
- 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM: Luncheon: AI and the Future of Work
LBJ Professor Sherri Greenberg leads a panel that explores how AI is transforming jobs and reshaping the skills workers will need for the future.
- 1:15 PM - 2:30 PM: AI in Energy Policy
Panelists will address the challenges and opportunities for the energy industry engendered by the dramatic rise of AI technologies and how to leverage the positive dimensions of these two industries for the broader social good. This panel will be taped live for UT’s “AI for the Rest of Us” podcast.
- 2:40 PM - 3:55 PM: AI in Teaching & Learning
How is AI changing the education landscape? What are Texas K-12 and higher education institutions doing to develop responsible and forward-thinking AI use on campuses? What are some use cases for classroom use? How can organizational frameworks help diffuse AI-based innovations and reduce duplication of efforts? This panel will delve into ways to harness responsible AI use to drive teaching and learning outcomes.
- 4:05 PM - 5:20 PM: AI in National Security Policy
This panel will explore the national security implications of AI, including its potential applications in intelligence, counterterrorism, and irregular warfare, and innovation around AI for national defense. The panel will consider the law and ethics of deploying AI systems in armed conflict.
5:30 PM - 6:45 PM: Keynote Address: Alondra Nelson on AI and Policymaking
Dr. Alondra Nelson, one of the TIME 100 Most Influential People in AI, will deliver the symposium's keynote address. Dr. Nelson will speak about how artificial intelligence is remaking our world and about implementing a set of best practices to ensure long-term economic and national security. A fireside chat on AI and Public Health will follow with Dean Claudia Lucchinetti of the Dell Medical School. Welcome remarks will be delivered by UT President Jay Hartzell.Sponsored by: The Humanities, Health, and Medicine Lecture Series and New Equations, for The College of Natural Sciences.