March 26, 2021
10 features from the week
- Joshua Busby published an essay on former President Trump's foreign policy legacy in H-Diplo.
- Michele Deitch testified before the Texas Legislature on the impact of COVID-19 in prison facilities. Share the news.
- Sherri Greenberg published an essay on the Future of Work in Local Government for the IBM Center for the Business of Government.
- Sheena Greitens spoke to the Washington Post about where the U.S. and China go from here.
- Peniel Joseph published an op-ed called "Mass shootings show what is poisoning American democracy" at CNN. Share the news.
- Cynthia Osborne published a research brief on how the American Rescue Plan will benefit infants and toddlers.Share the news.
- Steven Pedigo published the Texas Metropolitan Blueprint and convened a summit with the state's leading policymakers, practitioners and business leaders. Share the news.
- Varun Rai testified before the U.S. House of Representatives' Science, Space, & Technology Committee at a hearing on "Lessons Learned from The Texas Blackouts: Research Needs for a Secure and Resilient Grid." Share the news.
- Victoria DeFrancesco Soto spoke with the New York Federal Reserve about her research with the YWCA on the she-cession and a female future of work.
- Bill Spelman spoke to KVUE about the City of Austin's search for a new police chief.