The Last Commander: The Once and Future Battle for Afghanistan

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Lt. Gen. Sami Sadat is the chairman of Afghanistan United Front, a political organization that is leading an opposition against the Taliban and headquartered in Northern Virginia. General Sadat was former Commanding General of the Afghan National Special Operations Corps. In 2020 he commanded the Afghan National Army’s 215 Maiwand Corps in southwestern Afghanistan. In 2019 he was commander of Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) during this time General Sadat initiated a program based on which hundreds of operations were conducted to released Afghan Security Forces prisoners held by Taliban in the villages, this resulted with released of over 500 Afghan prisoners being broken from prisons in the Taliban controlled areas. At JSOC he wrote the Combined Situational Awareness Room concept in which all branches of US military and Afghan military worked in an integrated Command Centre resulting in intensified counter-terrorism operations turning 2019 as a worst year for Taliban on the battlefield. Prior to his return in the military he was Chairman of Delta Group of companies based in Dubai leading his family businesses based in Afghanistan and Middle-East for two years.

General Sadat also served as a senior director in the Afghan intelligence services. He Served as Director of covert action program from 2014 to 2016. General Sadat took charge of an elite clandestine counter-terrorism unit where he was leading Afghan and US intelligence joint clandestine counter-terrorism activities until to 2018, his team was in charge of going after Al-Qaida in Afghanistan and Pakistan. During his time his unit managed to find Haidar Gailani the son of former prime minister of Pakistan Gailani who was kidnaped by Al-Qaida and was rescued. In 2017 his unit’s operation killed Saifullah Akhtar known as Qari Saifullah Bokhari the leader of Harakat Jihad Islami of Pakistan who assassinated former Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto. Many Al-Qaida related terror leaders were captured or killed as result of counter-terrorism operations led by General Sadat.

He is a graduate of the Joint Services Command and Staff College at the Defence Academy of the U.K. Class of 2011 (ACSC 14). General Sadat went to the Polish Defence Academy where he completed the Battalion Command Course and the NATO Military Academy in Munich, Germany. In addition, he holds an MA in Strategic Management and Leadership from the U.K. Charter Management Institute.

Date and Time
Oct. 28, 2024, 5:30 to 6:45 p.m.