Dual Degrees in Information Studies and Public Affairs

The MPAff dual degree option with the UT School of Information combines advanced studies of government, non-profit agencies, and policy with a focus on knowledge and practice needed to make meaningful contributions in information organizations such as government agencies, libraries, archives, schools, museums and beyond. There is an increased need in both the public and private sectors for specialists with that combination of backgrounds, particularly with regard to advanced digital, networked information and communication technologies.

Program Structure

The program is structured so that students can earn the degrees simultaneously in approximately three academic years. The two degrees are awarded when the required course work in both areas including the professional report is completed.

Degree Requirements

  • Total LBJ credit hours: 39
    • 27 LBJ core hours
    • 6 hours Policy Research Project
    • 3 hours Professional Report
    • 12 LBJ elective hours
    • Summer internship

Information Studies