Fall 2024 - 60375 - PA 389D- Communications

Policy Communication

Course Title: Policy Communication


Course Description: 

This course will equip you with the writing and speaking expertise you need to succeed in your policy career.


Each week we will:

  • Workshop writing and speaking to build our policy communication muscles
  • Role-play to simulate policy environments and practice communicating under pressure
  • Give and receive robust feedback – both as students and instructors


Class assignments mirror scenarios you will encounter in policy workplaces. We'll take on the roles of legislative staffers, think tank experts, agency heads, and more. 


Examples of assignments include:

  • Briefings
  • Decision memos
  • Legislative testimony

  • 5-minute presentations

  • Op-Eds


A key output of this class is a portfolio of polished writing samples. For several assignments you will choose a policy issue you want to work on so you can explore your own policy interests.


Instruction Mode