Fall 2024 - 60285 - PA 388K - Advanced Topics in Public Policy

Policymaking and Energy Transition

Douglas A. Lewin

doug@stoicenergyconsulting.com · 512.203.5405


Professional Experience President, Stoic Energy, LLC June 2018- President

Provide consulting services to leading energy companies, non-governmental organizations, foundations, and public entities on issues related to energy transition, electric reliability, consumer costs, and pollution reduction.

  • Work with leading non-governmental organizations, associations, and foundations to

ensure Texas has a reliable and affordable grid and is a leader in the clean energy economy.

  • Organize the Texas Energy Summit for Texas A&M's Energy Systems Laboratory.
  • Write the Texas Energy & Power Newsletter.
  • Host the Energy Capital Podcast and the Texas Power Podcast.


VP, Regulatory Affairs and Market Development, CLEAResult

Feb. 2016-June 2018

Executive at largest energy efficiency implementation company in North America. Deep understanding of national and international utility trends, including best practices in customer empowerment, technology innovation, and creation of new utility business models.

  • Collaborated and developed strategies to advance favorable policies for deeper levels of

customer engagement and energy efficiency, as well as EVs, DR, and other distributed energy resources.

  • Co-authored several whitepapers on regulatory innovation and new business models for

electric utility sector.

  • Developed and deepened client relationships across North America.
  • Spoke at national industry conferences including Smart Electric Power Association, Edison Electric Institute, Energy Thought Summit, Association of Energy Service Professionals, and many more.
  • Helped to recruit national speakers for CLEAResult's Energy Forum.
  • Led a cross-functional, internal Thought Leadership Group and several "innovation brain trusts" to develop and advance CLEAResult's thought leadership and innovation strategies.


Executive Director, South-central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource (SPEER)

October 2011- Feb. 2016


Led rapid growth of a regional energy efficiency organization (REEO) from founding as sole employee with a small planning grant to a $1.7 million budget and 12 employees in only three years.

  • Led all policy initiatives for the organization with deep knowledge of state, local, and federal policies.
  • Organized the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy, a stakeholder group of utility executives, former regulators and legislators, advocates, and business stakeholders to identify consensus policy recommendations to advance efficiency, smart grid, and clean distributed generation in Texas.
  • Spearheaded all development, member recruitment and services, outreach, collaboration and policy work.
  • Served as primary contact for US Dept. of Energy, utilities, other EE organizations, state energy offices, and private foundations.


Project Manager, Good Company Associates

September 2009 - September 2011

  • Organized series of meetings for the Green Jobs Collaborative consisting of seven community colleges, eight workforce boards, and a broad collaboration of clean energy industry. Facilitated the development of green jobs curriculum at the colleges.
  • Worked with clients on a wide variety of clean energy endeavors, including energy efficiency, demand response, smart grid, renewable energy, and energy storage.


Legislative Director, Office of the Honorable Senator Rodney Ellis

April 2008 - September 2009

  • Led the Senator's efforts to advance legislation in all priority issues, with sole responsibility for all energy and environment issues.
  • Led efforts to expand energy efficiency programs and renewable portfolio standards, and establish goals for demand response programs. Helped pass green jobs legislation.
  • Organized a large solar conference at the Texas Capitol in 2008, attracting companies and speakers from around the country.
  • Received Texas Outstanding Public Servant Award in 2009.


Chief of Staff and Legislative Director, Office of the Honorable Lon Burnam

January 2006 - March 2008

  • Led the Representative's efforts to advance legislation in all priority issue areas, with sole responsibility for all education, energy, and environment issues.
  • Worked with bipartisan coalition to increase the state's Energy Efficiency Resource Standard (EERS). Led efforts to include now popular Energy Star Sales Tax Holiday in the omnibus energy efficiency legislation.


  • Established and managed a weekly meeting of legislative staffers focused on energy issues. Organized and invited guest speakers on a diverse set of topics.


Education Policy Analyst and Legislative Aide/Intern, Office of the Honorable Rene Oliveira

January 2005 - August 2005


Education and Training University of Texas at Austin MA, Education, 2002-04

  • Trained in quantitative and qualitative research methods.
  • Focused on curriculum studies.
  • Completed 30 hour per week intensive writing seminar.
  • Graduated with a 4.0 GPA.


University of Texas at Austin

BA, Humanities, Plan I Honors Program, 1994-98



Texas Energy & Power Newsletter.Weekly Columns starting December 22, 2022

Creating Customer and Investor Value Through Energy Efficiency, with Peter Kind. July 2017 Lower Spending, Higher Returns, with Peter Kind. November 2016

Efficiency and Ratemaking: Aligning the Interests of Utilities and their Customers, with Bob King, Jess Totten, and Steve Isser. March 2016.

Recommendations of the SPEER Commission on Energy Efficiency Policy. February 2015.


Sample of Public Speaking Appearances

Keynote address to the Gulf Coast Power Association Fall Conference. October 2023. Ratemaking: Introduction and Methods for Cost Recoverys. Presentation to Public Utilities Commission of Ohio at PowerForward proceeding, Columbus, OH. March 2018.

Designing Policy to Empower Customers. Energy Thought Summit, Austin TX, March 2017 Other public speaking: Smart Electric Power Alliance Grid Evolution Summit; Edison Electric Institute Strategic Issues Roundtable; National Governors' Association; Association of Energy Service Professionals Summer Conference; American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy's Energy Efficiency as a Resource Conference; CLEAResult Energy Forum; Gulf Coast Power Association Spring Conference, Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance Annual Conference; Advanced Energy Economy's Pathway to 2050 California Policy Conference; etc.

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