Fall 2024 - 60015 - PA 325 - Topics in Policy

Next Generation Scholars Research The Next Generational Scholars Program is designed to provide professional development and research mentoring to promising young scholars who hope to work in global public policy in the future. The program begins with semester-long training in the basics of analytical research, writing and presentation in the fall semester. In the spring semester, students attain hands-on experience with real research, engaging with emerging issues in US foreign and domestic policy via social media, in-person interaction with policymakers, and faculty mentorship. The course conducts policy-oriented skill-building exercises such as networking, resume and cover letter writing and editing, and policy memo writing. Skills are honed via analysis of current policy reports, media, and scholarly journals. There is no book for this course. In addition, students are expected to read the national and international news daily and come prepared to talk about current events. There will be approximately 100 pages of reading per week. Tentative Overview of Assignments and Grading: I. Session Assignments (80%) Editing (10%) Draft op-ed (10%) Final op-ed on student engagement in policy (20%) Personal Statement/CV (10%) Policy Memo Abstract and Summary of Evidence (10%) Rough Draft of Policy Memo (10%) Final Draft/Defense of Policy Memo (10%) II. Event Memos (10%): In addition, you are required to attend at least two Strauss Center events over the course of the fall semester and prepare one-page summaries/reaction memos to each of the events. The calendar of Strauss Center events is available on the Strauss Center website at https://www.strausscenter.org/categoryevents/2.html. Each memo will be worth 5% of your overall grade. III. Participation (10%): This accounts for attendance, in-class participation and performance as a participant on the final memo defense teams.
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