Fall 2016 - 60712 - PA388K - Advanced Topics in Public Policy

Race & Ethnicity in Latin America
The course will debate the problem of the ethnic and racial relations in Latin America region. As such, the seminars will cover these questions: i) comparative studies of ethnic and racial models in Latin American countries; ii) ethnic and racial inequality and tools of measuring; iii) new legal framework, public policies and affirmative action in the Latin America region. Readings: Esping-Andersen, G. – The three worlds of the Welfare State. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1990 Ferranti, D.; Perry, G.; Ferreira, F.; Walton, M.. Inequality in Latin America: breaking with history?. Washington D.C. The World Bank, 2004 Fernandes, F. The Negro in Brazilian society. New York: Columbia University Press, 1969. (Chapter 2, pp. 55-130; if possible, please read Chapter 3, pp. 131-186) Gino G. Marginality. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, 1980. (Part II, pp. 49-90) Graham, R. (ed.) – The idea of race in Latin American, 1870-1940. Austin, Texas: Texas University Press, 2006 [1990] Friedman, M. – Capitalism and freedom. Chicago / London: Chicago University Press, 2002 [1962] Hasenbalg, C. “Race and socioeconomic inequalities in Brazil”. In: Pierre-Michel Fontaine (Editor). Race, class, and power in Brazil. Los Angeles: Center for Afro-American Studies, University of California, 1985 Marques, G.; Chong, A.; Duryea, S.; Mazza, J.; Ñopo, H. (coords.) – Outsiders? The changing patterns of exclusion in Latin American and Caribbean. Washington D.C: Inter-American Development Bank, 2008 Nobles, Melissa. Shades of citizenship: Race and the census in modern politics. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2000 Ñopo, H. – New centuries, old disparities: gender and ethnic earnings gaps in Latin American and the Caribbean. Washington D.C.: IDB, 2012   This class is cross-listed with AFR 380P. AFR is the home department.