Fall 2016 - 60570 - PA682GA - Policy Research Project on Global Policy Issues

Ending Global Hunger: Opportunities for Small Scale Intervention to Reduce Local Food Insecurity in Developing Countries
The key objectives of this PRP are (1) to conduct rigorous analysis on where risks to food security and nutrition exist, in line with Goal #2 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and (2) to identifying where there are key opportunities for the Eleanor Crook Foundation to invest in small scale interventions to address these needs, (3) explore the extensive of existing citizen engagement tools (e.g. Mobile based crowdsourcing platforms such as U-Report) to complement current M&E frameworks for small grant holders and the Foundation.  The primary research in turn will generate several reports and briefs to be used by the ECF for advocacy, promotion, and networking purposes. The research will also generate a list of local and national partners as potential ECF grantees.  The work is broken down into four components of work, with 3 additional “optional” components that can be added on if desired. I: Food Security and Nutrition Analysis and Needs Assessment  Conduct “hotspot” analysis to identify countries/subnational regions in highest need of grants/aid for food security and nutrition (hereafter FSN) Research global trends in global malnutrition and food insecurity using emerging development data (including geospatial data) from new sources, such as the Brookings Institution Ending Rural Hunger project, UN SDG Data Group, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), USAID FEWSNET (Famine Early Warning System Network), the World Health Organization (WHO), World Food Program (WFP), UNICEF, Interaction’s forthcoming Agriculture Index, and University of Texas Innovations for Peace and Development.  Identify 1-2 developing countries where food insecurity is high and conduct subnational analysis to locate specific areas (“hotspots”) with the most chronic and/or acute food insecurity (measured along dimensions of availability, access, utilization, and sustainability). In the selected countries (to be approved by the ECF for further study), conduct further national and subnational analysis on food security resource allocation to these most vulnerable areas (“need assessment”). This would include a detailed analysis of domestic and external resource mobilization by the government, aid/NGO sector and (where possible) the private sector are already investing in FSN programs. (This is likely to overlap with the fieldwork in Phase II) Identifying locations where small-scale interventions by NGOs and faith-based organizations could make a key difference in local food security (specially focused on aspects of utilization/nutrition). This is the key area of food security where small scale interventions are most effective, as opposed to access or availability aspects that often entail large infrastructure projects, financial /credit access and agricultural extension programs. Produce a brief report on the above subnational food insecurity and malnutrition analysis to the ECF Board for discussion. II: In-Country Data Collection and Key Informant Interviews  Students travel (with Dr. Weaver) to selected country or countries to validate FSN analysis with local/national experts and identify potential NGO/FBO grant partners Identify local, national and international NGOs and faith-based organizations in that work in the identified areas that may be targeted for proposals by ECF. Provide clear justification for small-scale interventions by NGOs and Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs) in targeted areas Identify areas where ECF funds may be used to leverage existing funds/projects in targeted areas (e.g. existing successful projects that are running out of money and looking for new sources of support) Explore the extension of existing citizen engagement tools (e.g. Mobile based crowdsourcing platforms such as U-Report) to complement current M&E frameworks for small grant holders and the Foundation, to collect ongoing information and feedback on implementation and results of programs. Establish connections with national/local partners to start to create more robust networks for the ECF. III: Public Outreach/Advocacy  Dissemination of research and advocacy briefs in line with ECF’s advocacy mission and networking objectives Research briefs to leading think tanks, academic research groups and international governmental and non-governmental organizations working on FSN Advocacy briefs to targeted to relevant House and Senate Committees to support lobbying efforts if the ECF, BFTW and partner organizations Blog posts Press releases / outreach to news sources such as Guardian Development Matters/ Global Poverty Matters blog, BBC World Service, guest posts on blogsites of World Bank, Center for Global Development, ONE Campaign SDG2 Accountability Framework Working Group, Brookings Ending Rural Hunger Project, Interaction’s Other materials and advocacy outreach activities TBD with ECF Board IV: Call for Proposals  Develop Call for Proposals (CFP) and assessment rubric to be used by ECF Board to solicit and evaluate grant applications In dialogue with the ECF’s Board, develop and disseminate Call for Proposals (CFPs) for food security and nutrition programs in the identified “hotspots”, issue CFP, select winners and write TORs for the grants.  Time permitting, develop rubric for assessment of proposals and work with semi-finalists on development of a  monitoring and evaluation framework