Professional Preparation & Development
This class is restricted to DC-track MPAff and DC-track MGPS students, with a limited number of seats available to non-DC track MPAff and MGPS students interested in internships in Washington, DC. Non-DC track students should see Chaz Nailor if they are interested in enrolling.
Meeting Time
Note that the actual meeting times for this class will vary depending on the availability of guest speakers and the scheduling of relevant events. The first class (9/1/2015) and last class (10/27/2015) will take place on Tuesday afternoons from 2-5pm. Students enrolled in this class will be asked to hold all other Tuesday afternoons from 2-5pm until the instructor releases them.
Course Overview
This course is designed to prepare students to successfully enter and advance in professional settings within the Washington, D.C. policy community, as well as identify and use networks through which students can develop professionally. This course has two major objectives: (a) development of skills needed to successfully navigate the job market and (b) exposure to individuals who have worked in various arenas within the Washington, DC policy environment.
Course objectives include:
• Developing a career plan: selecting an appropriate career path through self- assessment and discussion.
• Preparing resumes: skills-based, employment –based, modular.
• Creating portfolios that contain evidence that reflect work and learning achievements.
• Marketing oneself through informal interviews, events, and conferences.
• Building a foundation for developing professional networks.
• Learn how to anticipate questions and conduct oneself in professional interviews and job seeking opportunities, regarding the presentation of self, dress, etiquette, etc.
• Development of negotiation skills, including work conditions, salary, job tasks and responsibilities.
• Understanding how to move from being a fellow to a permanent position
• Mastering professional protocols that govern Washington DC professional settings, including dress code, meeting etiquette.
• Understanding the role of Party in politics and how to navigate within a partisan environment.
• Selecting ways to stay informed: what to read, Politico, Roll Call, The Hill
• Understanding transition from campaigning to governing.