European Imperialism: The Making of the Modern Middle East
This research seminar will discuss the creation of the Modern Middle East by tracing its history from the nineteenth century. The scope includes Iran in the East and Libya in the West, with emphasis on Egypt and the rise of Arab nationalism in Jordan, Iraq, and Syria. The creation of the state of Israel receives special attention. During the opening weeks, the focus is not only on the Palestine question but also on the overthrow of the Musaddiq government in Iran by the CIA in 1953; and the consequences of the discovery of oil.
One of the main requirements is met by students submitting a weekly critique of the reading assignments. Each of the weekly essays is circulated to all other members of the class who make annotations on style as well as substance. The seminar thus becomes as much a course in professional writing as one in which individual academic interests are pursued.
This is a research seminar. In the latter part of the seminar, the focus will shift to the post-war Middle East with special attention given to critical events such as the Iraqi revolution of 1958. Members of the seminar will have the opportunity for original research in the documentary series published by the Cambridge University Press. The requirement is a relatively short research paper of about 20 double-spaced pages (about 6000 words). Drafts are circulated to all members of the seminar for annotation, comment, and discussion.
The seminar upholds the principles of the Modern History Faculty at Oxford—to enhance (1) intellectual curiosity; (2) conceptual clarity; (3) accuracy and attention to detail; (4) lucid and succinct style; (5) capacity for hard work—and, to add a final point (6) a sense of humor. Grades are determined by attendance and participation in discussion (25%); the weekly critiques (25%); and the research paper (50%).
Reading Schedule
Elizabeth Monroe, Britain’s Moment in the Middle East September 11
W.R.L. Imperialism: The Robinson and Gallagher
Controversy (‘Informal’ empire in the Middle East) September 18
Scott Anderson, Lawrence in Arabia September 25
Avi Shlaim, Iron Wall (Palestine) October 2
Stephen Kinzer, All the Shah’s Men (Musaddiq) October 9
Hugh Thomas, The Suez Affair (Eden and Nasser) October 16
Other books that might be substituted are Daniel Yergin, The Prize (Oil); W.R.L. The Iraqi Revolution of 1958; and Rosemarie Said Zahlan, The Making of the Modern Gulf States
October 23: Discussion of research topics
October 30: first batch of research papers (draft of first six pages)
November 6: second batch of research papers
November 13: third batch of research papers
November 20: discussion of research papers
November 27 – no meeting: Thanksgiving
December 4: research papers due
This class is cross-listed with HIS 380L. HIS is the home department.