Fall 2014 - 62521 - PA188G - Topics in Global Policy Studies

Child Welfare Law & Policy
This seminar-style short course offers students the opportunity to examine more closely one or more issues affecting children and families involved in the child welfare system. Intended for students already familiar with CPS and dependency court procedures, readings will come from a number of sources, including case law, book chapters, policy reports, academic journals, and investigative accounts. Outside speakers from a variety of fields will help ground classroom discussion in practice. Consistent attendance and active class participation, including introducing readings and formulating questions for speakers, is expected and will count toward the final grade. Examples of possible topics include: a comparative look at “best interest” standards, examining the role of the child in CPS proceedings, or evaluating recent efforts to reform the foster care system. The course is open to LBJ and Social Work graduate students. Prerequisites:  Students should possess a basic understanding of the child welfare system and CPS/dependency court procedures. Relevant experience could include enrollment in the Children’s Rights Clinic, other coursework, or prior work or volunteer experience. Contact the professor with any questions. This course will meet weekly for the first seven weeks of the semester (August 28 - October 9).  LAW 179M #29537 is sponsoring department.