Fall 2014 - 62445 - PA682GA - Policy Research Project on Global Policy Issues

Evaluating Aid Transparency in Global Development
This PRP, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, will focus on conducting a thorough assessment of the demand and use of open data on international aid and development. The PRP is designed to close the loop between the supply of open aid data from myriad donor groups and specific programs, like AidData, with a detailed study of how this data use.   The PRP has six broad driving questions: How much awareness is there regarding open aid data in countries among key stakeholder groups (including government ministries, donor partners, NGOs and CSOs, etc) How much demand is there for open aid data among the key stakeholder groups?   What does the demand of various stakeholder groups look like? What is the actual and/or potential use of open aid data among these key stakeholder groups (if any)? What can we learn from a careful assessment of data awareness and demand/use that will enable us to identify strengths and weakness in the current production, dissemination and use of open aid data? Where can we identify and collate examples of use cases of open aid data, and other open data for development, to help build awareness and demand for the data? The deliverables for the PRP will include: short (3-4) page policy briefs on ToC and work in Transparency and Accountability Initiatives (TAIs) in development, with annotated bibliography; collection of use case studies of open data for development;   development of new use case studies on open aid data and examples of analytical applications; a possible multi-country, multi-stakeholder survey on awareness and use of open aid data; and qualitative country case studies based on key informant interviews, focus groups), with likely fieldwork in Nepal and Uganda. The PRP will also compile a final report and present the findings of the research to USAID, AIdData and the Open Aid Partnership team at the World Bank Institute.