Fall 2013 - 63885 - PA397C - Advanced Empirical Methods for Policy Analysis

Qualitative Methods for Social Sciences
This graduate class is designed to complement existing courses on research methods and quantitative techniques of data collection and analysis that already exist in Sociology, the LBJ School, and the Geography department. (The course also forms part of the extended core curriculum of the LBJ School of Public Affairs.) Prospective students should note that the large class size requires that this be taught in a lecture rather than seminar format, although much of the work will be conducted in small groups. (This has worked quite well in previous years.)  Specifically, the aim of this course is to develop awareness and expertise in a range of qualitative survey research methods, approaches and designs, ranging from participant observational techniques through semi-structured interviewing to more formal questionnaire and census-type surveys. The course addresses issues of research project design and targeting, sampling, ethnography, case studies, ethics, data and informational handling arising from the different techniques, as well as the preparation of final reports based upon social survey analysis. Participants will undertake IRB training. Among the specific methods in which training will be offered are: Observational Techniques (participant, "mass", focus groups, social monitoring, etc.); Case Studies; Content Analysis; Focus Groups; "Elite"/Key Informant Interviewing; Questionnaire Design and Application; Qualitative Data Analysis and Presentation/Writing, Behavioral/Psychological testing (TAT Tests, Repertory Grids etc.).   It is designed for two principal constituencies: Ph.D. students who are (usually) in the earlier stages of their doctoral programs; and Masters students, especially those embarking upon their PR and theses. Each class will require students to work in small groups developing a real research design on a topic that will be used throughout the semester, and which will apply each of the techniques in turn. Thus, a primary element of the course is to develop "hands-on" experience in constructing as research design and then adapting a range of qualitative research techniques to that group’s project. The research question identified usually will be one for which no definitive (publishable!) outcome is expected, other than that of developing the training exercises itself.     Most classes will involve a mixture of formal lecture around pre-circulated notes that are designed to foster class discussion, followed by in-group preparation to apply one or other of the various techniques. Thus, there will be a substantial practical component to this course outside of class hours as each group develops and applies each technique as part of its own mini-research design agenda. Please note that the time slot deliberately allows participants to continue group work after the class during the lunch period or later in the afternoon/early evening. To the extent possible, please allow for that flexibility as you prepare your fall schedules.   All students will need to log onto the Blackboard, since this will be the principal mechanism for information dissemination, and group liaison. Please note that I do not allow computers or PDAs to be open during lectures so if you want to play at multi-tasking this course is not for you. Sorry! This course is cross-listed with GRG 396T, LAS 381, and SOC 387L. LBJ  is the home department.