Mike Hogg Professor Emeritus in Urban Management
From 1969 until his appointment at the LBJ School in 1982, Terrell Blodgett was the principal in charge of government services for Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Co. in a nine-state southwest region. Prior to joining Peat, Marwick, Mitchell he was administrative assistant to Gov. John Connally (December 1964–January 1969), serving as the first director of the Texas Office of Economic Opportunity. Blodgett, who holds a master's degree in public administration from Syracuse University, also has been city manager of Garland (1963–64) and Waco (1960–63) and assistant city manager of Austin (1955–60). A member of the National Academy of Public Administration, he is past chairman of the National Civic League and the International City Management Association Foundation. Blodgett is frequently recruited by Texas state and local officials for temporary assignments, and he has been a consultant to a number of city charter commissions in Texas. In 1991, he served as executive director of the Governor's Task Force on Revenue. In 1995, Blodgett retired from teaching after having served 13 years as the LBJ School's first Mike Hogg Professor in Urban Management. Since retiring, Blodgett has helped found the Texas Association of Nonprofit Organizations, and he serves on their board of directors.