Wilbur J. Cohen Professor of Health and Social Policy and Professor of Sociology
Teaching Areas:
Jacqueline L. Angel is professor of public affairs and sociology and a faculty affiliate at the Population Research Center and Center on Aging and Population Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin. She did her postdoctoral training in mental health services research at Rutgers University and at the Pennsylvania State University Program in Demography of Aging. Her research examines health and retirement issues in the U.S., with a focus on older minorities, the impact of social policy on the Hispanic population and Mexican-American families. Dr. Angel is author/co-author/editor of 100 journal articles, 40 book chapters, 14 books and numerous oped essays. Some of her recent publications include: “Duration of Dementia and Social Service Use in the U.S.-Born and Foreign-Born Mexican-American Population” (Journal of Aging and Health; Understanding the Context of Cognitive Aging: Mexico and the United States, Springer Nature, 2021); “Optimizing Dementia Care for Mexicans and for Mexican-Origin U.S. Residents” (The Gerontologist, 2021); and “Medicaid Use among Older Low-Income Medicare Enrollees in California and Texas: A Tale of Two States” (Journal of Health Politics, Policy and the Law, 2019).
Dr. Angel is a fellow of the behavioral and social sciences section of The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) and a senior fellow at the UTMB School of Medicine's Sealy Center on Aging. She has been honored with the GSA Senior Service Scholar Award and the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health Charles E. Gibbs Leadership Prize. In Austin, she is a member of the President's Council at Family Eldercare and was a 2013 recipient of the Jackie Lelong Visionary Leader Award.